Passing through the hometown of Joan of Arc

While making our way through the north of France we passed through Orleans. Orléans is the home to the infamous Joan of Arc and the city that New Orleans, Louisiana in the U.S.A was named after.

Joan of Arc is one of the most celebrated saints of the Catholic Church. Joan gain prominence for fighting against the British in the Hundred Years’ War. She was arrested and burned at the stake at only 19 years olds. She was later declared and martyr and a saint by the Church. Today, she is one of the nine patron saints of France and is considered an to be an heroine.



Joan of Arc cut out

Joan of Arc cut out

Statue of Joan of Arc in the center of Orleans


Me in front of the statue of Joan of Arc


Orleans Cathedral

The entire purpose of passing through Orleans was to see the home of Joan of Arc so that was the main attraction to the city. We did visit on a Sunday so that probably explains why the city was so quiet and sleepy. However, it was very relaxing as there were a lot of natural breeze which alleviated the summer heat. It is definitely a great town to visit if you are trying to escape the heat. Its location by the river is ideal.



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